================ Explain PythonUp ================ The idea of PythonUp formed gradually from problems I faced when working on multiple development machines, constantly switching between Windows and macOS. I long a more consistent development experience, and a good way to manage my Python environment on Windows. I tried out quite a few solutions. While a lot of them work for myself (to varying degree), none of them make me feel comfortable because *I can’t teach anybody about them*, which means they are all somehow wrong. Eventually I decided I need a complete managing system, which became PythonUp. Below are some questions I either faced when discussing the Python setup problem with others, or through introspection. Each question represents an alternative solution I tried, but eventually couldn’t feel satisfied with. I hope they will answer *why* I think PythonUp is the best solution, and you should adapt it as well. Why Not “Add Python to PATH”? ============================= The standard CPython installer offers this option. It is not checked by default, but a lot of online tutorials tell you to do so. The CPython core team is correct; it shouldn’t be checked under most cercumstances. CPython’s standard Windows build, unlike on Un\*x, does not provide the “altinstall” build option. Every CPython distribution on Windows has only one Python executable, called ``python.exe``, not versioned names such as ``python3.6.exe``. Adding Python to ``PATH`` stops being a good idea the moment you install a second Python. You can only access one Python at a time, and installed scripts from different versions start to mix, which is a bad thing. [#]_ It also become very tedious and delicate very quickly to manipulate the ``PATH`` environment variable. .. [#] This is not a Windows-only problem, but also exactly why tutorials these days don’t recommand installing Python via `python.org`_, but with platform-specific tools instead. Windows is the only mainstream operation system without a good Python verions management tool. .. _`python.org`: https://www.python.org Why Not the Python Launcher (``py.exe``)? ========================================= Python introduced `PEP 397`_ partly to solve the ``python.exe`` problem (also to interpret the shebang_ line on Windows). It installs a ``py.exe`` to your PATH, and instead of invoking ``python.exe`` directly, you should use, for example:: py -3.5 foo.py to run ``foo.py`` with Python 3.5. This is such a good idea *PythonUp installs the Py Launcher during setup*, and I encourage you to use it. But PythonUp also solves a few additional use cases that ``py.exe`` doesn’t: * Availability of versioned Python executables, e.g. ``python3.6.exe``. * Managing commands other than ``python.exe``. PythonUp’s implementation also relies on a lot of the same registry values read by ``py.exe``, which are formally defined in `PEP 514`_, so you can view PythonUp as a supplement to ``py.exe``, not a replacement. .. _`PEP 397`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0397/ .. _`PEP 514`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0514/ .. _shebang: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix) Why Not Install to All Users? ============================= Authentication on Windows is difficult to manage, especially in the console. There really is no way to elevate priviledge inside a command prompt, and it is against common workflow to require opening a new console when you need to ``pip install`` something. It is useful to have a system-wide Python setup. For developers, however, it is always recommended to install a seperate copy of Python for yourself, so you can manage it directly, without special priviledge. Why Not Chocolatey? =================== Chocolatey_ is a package manager on Windows. A lot of PythonUp’s ideas are inspired by it: standard Windows installers, interaction-free installation, and shims for execution in command prompts. It is a very good tool, and I use it on my Windows machine—alongside PythonUp. .. _Chocolatey: https://chocolatey.org What PythonUp is to Chocolatey is similar to pyenv to Homebrew on macOS. The aims are similar, but slightly different, so we can take an approach tailored to Python distribution. Also I’m not very satisfied with Chocolatey’s user story. The setup is slightly complicated (due to Powershell’s execution policy), and requires administration priviledge to install packages. This is because it is fulfilling a different goal from PythonUp’s, but still makes me feel uncomforatble enough not to teach it to others. Why Not Anaconda? ================= I considered Anaconda very hardly, but eventually decided against it. The tipping point is how Anaconda manages Python versions similar to virtualenvs, with manipulation of ``PATH`` and other environment variables. This is the wrong way to do it, [#]_ and to this day there is still no first-party Powershell support. [#]_ .. [#] |virtualenv-wrong|_ .. [#] |conda-powershell-issue|_ .. |virtualenv-wrong| replace:: Virtualenv’s ``bin/activate`` is doing it wrong .. _virtualenv-wrong: https://gist.github.com/datagrok/2199506 .. |conda-powershell-issue| replace:: Powershell activate and deactivate .. _conda-powershell-issue: