.. _misc: ============== Misc. Commands ============== Upgrade PythonUp Itself ======================= A special ``upgrade`` syntax to upgrade not a Python version, but PythonUp itself:: pythonup upgrade self This simply downloads the official installer and runs it. .. _list: List Pythons ============ This lists Python versions installed in your system:: pythonup list To list *all* Python versions available, including uninstalled ones, use:: pythonup list --all Either way, the output would be something like this:: o 2.7 o 3.4 3.5 * 3.6 * The ``o`` prefix means the version is installed. * ``*`` signifies an active version. * No prefix if the version is not installed. Download Python =============== :: pythonup download downloads the installer without exicuting it. The installer is saved to the current working directory by default, but you can also specify another directory with the ``--dest`` option. Find Python Installation ======================== :: pythonup where prints where the installed ``python.exe`` really is, usually something like:: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\PythonXY\python.exe This is useful when you need to pass the real executable somewhere else, e.g. set the path to an environment variable in a Powershell script. Link Individual Scripts ======================= :: pythonup link links the specified command to your ``PATH``. Nice to have when you accidetally break the system. There are ``--overwrite=yes`` and ``--all`` you can use for even better profit.