Contribute to PythonUp for Windows

Development happens on GitHub.

Development Guide


Optional Dependencies

  • Rust if you want to build the shims. The Rust development environment needs to be available in your shell. PythonUp targets the stable channel.
  • NSIS 3.x if you want to build the installer. makensis needs to be available in your shell.

Project Setup

Download and enter the project:

git clone
cd pythonup-windows

Set up environment:

pipenv install --dev

Run Tests

Run Python tests:

pipenv run pytest tests

Run Rust tests:

pipenv run invoke shims.test

Unfortunately there are only very limited tests right now.

Run In-Development PythonUp

pipenv run python -m pythonup [COMMAND] ...

This should have the same behaviour as an installed command, but within the confine of the Pipenv-managed virtual environment.


PythonUp depends a lot on the Windows Registry, so certain commands still have global implications. For example, the uninstall command will uninstall Python from your system, and use will affect your global using state!

Build Installer

pipenv run invoke

You can only build installers of your host’s architecture. Cross compilation is certainly possible, but I haven’t found the need to set it up.

After the command finishes you should get an EXE in the installers directory.

Build Documentation

pipenv run invoke

Documentation is managed with Sphinx, and hosted on Read the Docs with a custom domain.

Source Code Guideline

Try to follow the code style. For Python code, run the linter to check for issues before submitting:

pipenv run flake8 .

Format of text files are managed with EditorConfig. I recommend using one of the editor plugins to automatically format files. If you can’t/don’t want to do so, please at least make sure you’re using the correct format before sending in pull requests.